Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hero Image of what Detail of Model


Moving Title 
Open Main wings 
Show detail of texture and lead to next view
Bottom of modle how detail texture and movement this part is similar to airplane engine  
Middle of modle side 
Top of Wing open and close 
Ready for final wing both side
Show best final view what different view at first time.

Friday, May 31, 2013

S O A R description

My Final movie title Call "S O A R" .
The reason I choose this title my model have a lot of wings side and top and in the middle part its keep rotating, it seem similar what when airplane engine start.
All my model step by step to fly, so which is SOAR perfect word explain my model.
I want my model wings make really smooth seem exactly what open wings feeling so, I make each single wings move different time and a also I setting up side wing the location are not just Y side to open give a more complicate location each piece at  X,Y middle side so give more round shape which is exactly  what bird wings are open.

Final Movie "SOAR"

Final Movie

This Quality Best Can get I got from final cut Pro.

Window Movie Maker...not work

I also try to using Window movie maker before I editing video I make movie just one of my Fraps movie.

and its same happen Window Movie Maker when export movie the quality  go down so much.

This image what Fraps give me quality

When Window Movie Maker Best Hight Quality Export Screen shot.

Looking Solution

Final Cut Pro Test verison

As see,  my final cut pro didn't show what i think full HD quality, I using Movie Compress but it give same. I watching youtube so many tutorial and follow what they do but it doesn't look like Full HD quailty.

Try again Final cut Pro

I realized If you want export 1080dpi mov in final cur pro I need get Fraps in Cryengien3 bigger than what 1920 1080 size so I Changed Cryengine3 view 2528 x1302  size and get Frpas again about 8sec file size 275Mb,  and the Image show my final cut pro sequence  Red line the each point time  Blue line shows length of movie file and Green line font style and what movie name when I got from Fraps

Sometime Mistake is Good

When I duplicate my model  and move to different angle i accidentally move two side model not select tagpoint and i got this nice cool side form!! awesome I like it.

Flowgraph Detail

 In My model there are different flow graph wings move to key  O(open) P(close), U(open) I(close) and T(open) Y(close). each individual key makes more control  my modle

 This model Using O,P key to move

 This wing my main wings open when AI/physics

 I using  a lot tag point the reason is each different part of model I want to differntly so in middle I make 7 different part so it spin different time.


The Fire tube bar is most complicate flow graph I have i cant duplicate and copy some reason Its not work so I done 8 of flowgraph individual

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

When I got my first modle I dont want to more complicate and more symbolic of something so i developed and final of my model It shows symbol of flying. My model just it self very light, so I using all heavy a texture such like scratched metals.

When i thinking the movement of my model I think it divide to part top and bottom.
And the highlight part is the all wings spread out and come out of water or fly to sky
the cryengine3 can control timeframe so I using this effect my 60sec movie starts a bright day and when wings spared out the time change to night so my glow effect wings show more strongly and clearly.